Hunger & Thirst is registered as a:
- Section 21 Company with the Registrar of Companies (CIPRO)
- Non Profit Organization (NPO) with the Department of Social Development
- Public Benefit Organization (PBO) with SARS
In terms of Sec 18A of the Income Tax Act, we are authorized to issue donation receipts, making your donations tax deductible.
BEE Advantages:
Entities also get up to 25 points (out of 100 points) on their BEE scorecard, as more than 80% of our foundation’s beneficiaries are previously disadvantaged individuals.
Self-fulfillment & the Joy of Contribution:
Self-fulfillment & the Joy of Contribution:
Apart from these practical benefits, the deeper benefit of becoming involved in our mission is the chance to reach out and enrich the life of a child in need. The extent of positive repercussions stemming from this one action cannot be known or calculated. Who knows who this child will become one day? A future leader in our land? A teacher themselves? Who knows who he or she in turn will reach out to and assist? You can be responsible for massive, positive change within a person, a community, a country.
Anthony Robbins |
Eleanor Roosevelt |
“When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die.” Eleanor Roosevelt